Google’s State of Kubernetes Cost Optimization Report: a Complete Breakdown

Steve Sangapu
10 min readAug 31, 2023
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In the rapidly evolving world of technology, staying on top of emerging trends and mastering industry-leading practices is paramount. Among these, Kubernetes, an open-source platform designed to automate deploying, scaling, and managing containerized applications, is swiftly gaining prominence. As more businesses turn to Kubernetes to manage their cloud-based operations, understanding cost optimization within this platform becomes increasingly significant.

Recognizing the importance of this issue, Google recently released the enlightening “ State of Kubernetes Cost Optimization Report.” As one of the global leaders in cloud-based solutions, Google’s insights on this matter are not only credible but also invaluable to anyone utilizing Kubernetes. This report marks a significant contribution to the field, helping businesses globally understand the critical importance of Kubernetes cost optimization, its implications, and how best to leverage this knowledge to enhance operational efficiency.

Understanding Kubernetes and the Role of Google Cloud

Kubernetes is a game-changing technology, fundamentally altering how we build and deploy software. At its core, it provides a robust platform for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. But, Kubernetes itself doesn’t handle everything. That’s where services like Google Cloud come in.

Kubernetes: A Brief Overview

First developed by Google, Kubernetes (also known as K8s) has swiftly become the standard in container orchestration. It’s designed to be extensible and fault-tolerant, allowing developers to build and run applications in a distributed, cloud-native environment. With its vast ecosystem and vibrant open-source community, Kubernetes has transformed the way organizations build and operate software.

Google Cloud: An Ideal Partner for Kubernetes

Google Cloud, being the birthplace of Kubernetes, offers a robust managed service called Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). GKE takes away much of the complexity of running Kubernetes, providing automated updates, scalability, and high availability. This enables developers to focus more on building applications rather than managing infrastructure.

Google Cloud’s commitment to improving Kubernetes doesn’t stop at GKE. It also includes an active role in ongoing Kubernetes research and development. Google’s latest report on Kubernetes Cost Optimization is a testament to this commitment. The report is a comprehensive study aiming to understand the nuances of cost optimization for Kubernetes deployments on Google Cloud.

Highlighting Key Findings

As we dive deeper into Google’s Kubernetes Cost Optimization report, a wealth of knowledge and insights emerge. The report breaks down the analysis into five distinct segments based on Kubernetes cost optimization golden signals: At Risk, Low, Medium, High, and Elite.

These segments offer an enlightening glimpse into Kubernetes usage patterns and practices in the industry.

Understanding the Segments

The ‘At Risk’ segment comprises clusters where the sum of actual resource utilization routinely exceeds the sum of the requested resources for workloads. This over-utilization can lead to higher costs and potential risks such as resource contention.

The ‘Low’ segment, on the other hand, includes clusters where the majority of metrics are closer to 0, indicating these clusters are not optimized effectively, which might result in higher costs and underutilization of resources.

The ‘Medium’ segment is characterized by a balanced approach to resource utilization, with clusters excelling in certain areas but perhaps falling short in others.

The ‘High’ segment demonstrates a superior level of optimization, with many metrics closer to 1. This signifies efficient use of resources, contributing to cost savings and optimal performance.

Lastly, the ‘Elite’ segment represents the crème de la crème of Kubernetes users. These clusters utilize their resources in an exceptional manner and are most likely adhering to best practices for cost optimization.

Correlation with Best Practices

The segmentation also sheds light on the adoption and usage of best practices in Kubernetes. For instance, the Elite and High segments are more likely to follow good practices such as correct application sizing, demand-based autoscaling, and workload rightsizing.

Similarly, these segments likely prioritize optimizing application performance over simple bin packing, balancing control, extensibility, and flexibility. This behavior underscores the significance of Kubernetes cost optimization signals and the benefits of adhering to these signals.

Data-centric Applications and Kubernetes

The report also highlights the potential benefits of running data-centric applications on Kubernetes. This capability provides opportunities for organizations to leverage the power of Kubernetes to manage, scale, and optimize their data-intensive workloads effectively.

In conclusion, the segmentation and key findings of the report provide valuable insights into Kubernetes usage and cost optimization practices. By understanding these insights, businesses can better align their Kubernetes strategy, manage costs, and drive more value from their cloud investments.

Implications of the Study

Google’s Kubernetes Cost Optimization report’s findings have implications that span across industries, for businesses small and large. Whether you’re a business owner, a developer, or an IT professional, understanding these insights can lead to strategic decisions that elevate your company’s efficiency and bottom line.

Opportunities for Improvement

Regardless of the segment, each cluster possesses potential opportunities for improving reliability and cost efficiency. High and Elite clusters can sustain their efficiency by consistently employing best practices and keeping up with new updates and improvements in Kubernetes.

Meanwhile, Medium, Low, and especially At Risk clusters can draw valuable lessons from their higher-performing counterparts. By aligning with industry-leading practices, such as correct application sizing, prioritizing demand-based autoscaling, and optimizing bin packing, these clusters can significantly enhance their performance and cost-effectiveness.

Redefining Priorities

The study also points out the importance of reassessing the priorities of Kubernetes management. Instead of solely focusing on cluster bin packing, there’s a clear need to prioritize optimizing application performance and demand-based scaling. It is through this shift in focus that businesses can better leverage Kubernetes to manage, scale, and optimize their applications effectively.

Building on Golden Signals

Kubernetes cost optimization signals — namely, workload rightsizing, demand-based downscaling, cluster bin packing, and discount coverage — emerged as critical metrics in the report. Organizations can employ these signals as guidelines when formulating their Kubernetes strategies. By doing so, businesses can better monitor, measure, and manage their clusters, leading to improved cost optimization and overall system performance.

In a nutshell, the study’s findings underscore the importance of strategic Kubernetes management. The implications reach far beyond cost savings, potentially influencing system performance, reliability, and business outcomes. Understanding these implications is a step forward in staying on top of industry-leading practices and remaining competitive in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven business landscape.

Noteworthy Observations

The Google report on Kubernetes Cost Optimization reveals certain observations that provide a comprehensive understanding of cluster management and cost efficiency. These insights guide us on better practices to optimize cost and improve performance across different Kubernetes clusters.

The Power of Multi-Tenant Clusters

The report highlights the fact that larger multi-tenant clusters tend to gather most of the organization’s Kubernetes expertise. This makes sense as larger clusters, due to their complexity and scale, usually require more seasoned Kubernetes administrators. These clusters become the epicenter of the best practices and experience, leading to their higher efficiency and performance.

However, this situation also raises the question of knowledge distribution within an organization. Are the best practices and lessons learned within these larger, multi-tenant clusters being disseminated to smaller, potentially less efficient clusters within the organization? Companies should be mindful of this aspect and work on fostering knowledge sharing across all levels.

Risks with Overusing BestEffort Pods and Underprovisioned Burstable Pods

Another important insight from the report pertains to the use of BestEffort Pods and underprovisioned Burstable Pods. These can increase the risk of performance issues if not used carefully.

BestEffort Pods, while useful in certain scenarios, don’t reserve any compute resources, making them liable to be evicted under resource pressure. This can impact application performance and reliability. Similarly, underprovisioned Burstable Pods, while offering a degree of flexibility, can lead to unpredictable application performance if not managed properly.

Organizations should, therefore, strike a balance in their use. Understanding workload patterns, setting appropriate resource requests, and leveraging Kubernetes’ Quality of Service (QoS) classes can aid in effectively managing these Pods.

These observations shed light on the complex dynamics of Kubernetes cluster management. By incorporating these insights into their strategies, organizations can drive better performance, cost efficiency, and reliability in their Kubernetes operations.

Recommendations for Improvement

The Google report brings forth valuable insights into optimizing cost in Kubernetes environments. It also provides us with recommendations to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of Kubernetes operations.

Effective Cluster Management Policies

The management of clusters is crucial to maximizing cost-effectiveness. It is beneficial to have company-wide policies that provide guidelines for developers on best practices. These policies can include standards for workload rightsizing, resource requests and limits, node pool configuration, and using Kubernetes autoscaling mechanisms.

Such standards can promote consistency, increase operational efficiency, and help minimize resource waste. Furthermore, a clear and coherent policy will make it easier to manage large-scale clusters, especially those which host multiple tenants.

Balancing Control, Extensibility, and Flexibility

Striking a balance between control, extensibility, and flexibility is essential in managing Kubernetes clusters. Too much control can stifle innovation and productivity, while too little can lead to resource wastage and potential security risks.

For example, providing developers the freedom to choose the tools and configurations they need can boost productivity. However, uncontrolled resource allocation can lead to inefficiencies. Thus, it is important to strike a balance and have proper guidelines and checks in place.

Shift Focus from Solely Cluster Bin Packing

While cluster bin packing (how tightly Kubernetes workloads are packed onto nodes) is a key aspect of Kubernetes cost optimization, the report stresses the importance of shifting the focus towards optimizing application performance and demand-based scaling.

By tuning the performance of individual applications and scaling based on demand, organizations can more effectively use their resources. This not only reduces cost but also improves application responsiveness and customer experience.

By following these recommendations, organizations can significantly improve their Kubernetes operations. Effective cost optimization requires a holistic approach, taking into account not only the technical aspects but also organizational policies and practices. By implementing these measures, companies can not only improve their Kubernetes efficiency but also drive better business outcomes.

Reflections on the Report and Acknowledgments

The “State of Kubernetes Cost Optimization” report is an invaluable resource that sheds light on the intricacies of managing and optimizing costs in Kubernetes environments. The authors, contributors, and the Google Cloud team deserve recognition and gratitude for their significant work and in-depth analysis. The findings provide a comprehensive view of how companies are currently managing their Kubernetes workloads and offers benchmarks for best practices.

The report’s findings underscore the importance of continuously improving Kubernetes operations and cost management. It presents a clear correlation between the adoption of best practices and the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of Kubernetes clusters.

A noteworthy revelation from the report is the discovery of distinct segments (At Risk, Low, Medium, High, Elite) based on Kubernetes cost optimization practices. This segmentation allows us to understand the different stages of Kubernetes optimization and encourages organizations to strive for Elite performance, leveraging cost optimization best practices to their benefit.

Furthermore, the findings emphasize the risk associated with overusing BestEffort Pods and underprovisioned Burstable Pods. These findings underscore the need for Kubernetes users to be cognizant of the resource requests and limits they set for their Pods.

The report also highlights the value of discount coverage, showing the benefits of utilizing discounted nodes in cluster operations. By leveraging cloud discounts, organizations can significantly reduce their cloud costs without compromising on performance.

Lastly, the report reaffirms the importance of striking a balance between control, extensibility, and flexibility in managing Kubernetes clusters. It suggests a shift in focus from purely cluster bin packing to optimizing application performance and demand-based scaling.

Overall, this report is a testament to the commitment of Google and its team to drive forward the conversation on Kubernetes cost optimization and provide valuable insights to the tech industry. It offers a crucial knowledge share that helps organizations stay abreast of current practices and trends in Kubernetes cost management.

Understanding the Research Methodology

The methodology behind the “State of Kubernetes Cost Optimization” report is rooted in a rigorous and scientific approach. It’s important to demystify this process to better appreciate the depth of the findings and their implications.

The researchers embarked on a complex task of classifying thousands of GKE clusters into five distinct segments: At Risk, Low, Medium, High, and Elite. This classification was based on a number of key metrics known as Kubernetes cost optimization “golden signals”. These signals included workload rightsizing, demand-based downscaling, cluster bin packing, and discount coverage.

  1. Workload rightsizing: This refers to the process of accurately assigning the right amount of computational resources (CPU and RAM) to each Pod in a cluster.
  2. Demand-based downscaling: This is the practice of reducing the number of nodes during periods of low demand, which ensures optimal usage and reduces costs.
  3. Cluster bin packing: This metric refers to the utilization efficiency of computational resources in a cluster. The goal is to maximize resource utilization without overloading the system.
  4. Discount coverage: This metric measures the extent to which organizations take advantage of discounted cloud resources, thus reducing their overall cost.

The research used a classification tree technique to segment the clusters based on these golden signals. A classification tree uses decision rules to create segments of the data. In this case, the researchers used these rules to identify which segment each Kubernetes cluster belongs to, based on their performance metrics.

This process was performed independently for different months, to ensure the seasonal effect doesn’t influence the results. The final values presented in the report were extracted from the data of January 2023.

Understanding the methodology is crucial to appreciate the depth of the insights provided in the report and the practical implications of its findings. It’s not just a study, but a compass for organizations navigating their way to better Kubernetes cost optimization.

Wrapping Up

In closing, the “State of Kubernetes Cost Optimization” report offers an insightful and comprehensive overview of the current state of Kubernetes usage. It outlines the successes and shortcomings of the current practices in the industry, showcasing the strengths of those leading the pack and spotlighting the areas that require improvement.

The study’s unique classification of GKE clusters into distinct segments — At Risk, Low, Medium, High, and Elite — offers a nuanced perspective of Kubernetes cost optimization strategies. These segments serve as an essential guide for organizations seeking to measure their performance against industry benchmarks, to learn from the best practices of others, and to understand the pitfalls to avoid.

Significantly, the report underscores the importance of adopting an informed and strategic approach to Kubernetes cost optimization. Rather than focusing solely on cluster bin packing, it emphasizes the necessity of balancing control, extensibility, and flexibility, and ensuring application performance through rightsizing and demand-based scaling.

Originally published at



Steve Sangapu

Founder/CTO at D3V Technology Solutions, a Dallas-based cloud engineering firm & Google Cloud partner.